How do I build my closet?

After you’ve entered your email address to register for Scotch Select, you can start creating a virtual closet. Begin by logging in to your registered account and click on the hanger icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page. You’ll be directed to your Closet page where you can view the following: the At Home section, the On the Rack section, and the On Hold section.

The At Home section shows all items that have been shipped to you. This includes items that are on their way to you, ones that are in your possession, and ones that are being shipped back to us. You can also track packages and buy items in this section.

The On the Rack section shows all items that you would love to rent from us. These are items that you’ve selected and placed in your closet. Make sure you fill your closet with a minimum of 8 items to receive the best shipping experience possible and to ensure you’ll start receiving boxes from Scotch Select.

Add as many clothes to your virtual closet as you want. A full closet leads to quicker, faster-shipping turnarounds. Choose pieces you may not want to buy but want to try — there are no strings attached.

The On Hold section shows all the items you would love to rent from us at a later date. We like to think of this section as an attic — items you want to bookmark for later, when it’s the appropriate season or occasion. It’s a great place to save sweaters in the summer, and shorts in the winter. When the time’s right, simply move an item to the On the Rack section with a quick click.

 You can also choose to delete an item if you no longer want to receive it. Click Hold or Delete under the image of your choice to perform this action.


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